
Task weight: 1%

The DevOps team would like to get the list of all Namespaces in the cluster.Get the list and save it to /opt/course/1/namespaces.

kubectl get ns -A -o name > /opt/course/1/namespaces


Task weight: 2%

Create a single Pod of image httpd:2.4.41-alpine in Namespace default.The Pod should be named pod1 and the container should be named pod1-container.

Your manager would like to run a command manually on occasion to output the status of that exact Pod.Please write a command that does this into /opt/course/2/pod1-status-command.sh.The command should use kubect1.

kubectl get pod pod1|grep pod1|awk '{ print $3}'


Task weight: 2%

Team Neptune needs a Job template located at /opt/course/3/job. yaml. This Job should run image busybox:1.31.0 and execute sleep 2 && echo done. It shouldbe in namespace neptune, run a total of 3 times and should execute 2 runs in parallel.

Start the Job and check its history.Each pod created by the Job should have the label id:awesome-job.The job should be named neb-new-job and the container neb-new-job-container.

kubectl create job job-test --image=busybox:1.31.0 -- "sleep 2 && echo done." -oyaml --dry-run=client > job.yaml
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
    id: awesome-job
  name: neb-new-job
  namespace: default
  backoffLimit: 6
  completions: 3
  parallelism: 2
      creationTimestamp: null
        job-name: job-test
      - command:
        - sleep 2 && echo done.
        - -oyaml
        - --dry-run=client
        image: busybox:1.31.0
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: neb-new-job-container
        resources: {}
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Never
      schedulerName: default-scheduler
      securityContext: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
  active: 1
  failed: 1


Task weight: 5%

Team Mercury asked you to perform some operations using Helm, all in Namespace mercury:

  1. Delete release internal-issue-report-apiv1.
  2. Upgrade release internal-issue-report-apiv2 to any newer version of chart bitnami/nginx available
  3. Install a new release internal-issue-report-apache of chart bitnami/apache. The Deployment should have two replicas, set these via Helm-values during install
  4. There seems to be a broken release, stuck in pending-install state. Find it and delete it
helm list -A
helm uninstall internal-issue-report-apiv1 -n mercury
helm upgrade internal-issue-report-apiv2 bitnami/nginx -nmercury
helm install internal-issue-report-apache bitnami/apache 
helm show values bitnami/apache 
helm show values bitnami/apache |grep replica

helm install internal-issue-report-apache bitnami/apache  --set replicaCount=2

helm list -A


Task weight: 3%

Team Neptune has its own ServiceAccount named neptune-sa-v2 in Namespace neptune.A coworker needs the token from the Secret that belongs to that ServiceAccount.Write the base64 decoded token to file /opt/course/5/token.

kubectl get secret secret-tiger-docker -o jsonpath='{.data.*}' | base64 -d


Task weight: 7%

Create a single Pod named pod6 in Namespace default of image busybox:1.31.0. The Pod should have a readiness-probe executing cat/tmp/ready. It should initially wait 5 and periodically wait 10 seconds. This will set the container ready only if the file/tmp/ready exists. The Pod should run the command touch/tmp/ready 6& steep 1d, which will create the necessary file to be ready and then idles. Create the Pod and confirm it starts.


Task weight: 4%

The board of Team Neptune decided to take over control of one e-commerce webserver from Team Saturn. The administrator who once setup this webserver is not part of the organisation any longer. All information you could get was that the e-commerce system is called my-happy-shop. Search for the correct Pod in Namespace saturn and move it to Namespace neptune. It doesn't matter if you shut it down and spin t up again, it probably hasn't any customers anyways.


Task weight: 4%

There is an existing Deployment named api-new-c32 in Namespace neptune.A developer did make an update to the Deployment but the updated version never came online. Check the Deployment history and find a revision that works, then rollback to it. Could you tell Team Neptune what the error was so it doesn't happen again?


Task weight: 5%

In Namespace pluto there is single Pod named holy-api. It has been working okay for a while now but Team Pluto needs it to bemore reliable. Convert the Pod into a Deployment with 3 replicas and name holy-api. The raw Pod template file is available at /opt/course/9/holy-api-pod. yaml. In addition, the new Deployment should set allowPrivilegeEscalation: false and privileged: false for the security context on container level. Please create the Deployment and save its yaml under /opt/course/9/holy-api-deployment. yaml.


Task weight: 4%

Team Pluto needs a new cluster internal Service. Create a ClusterlP Service named project-plt-6cc-svc in Namespace pluto. This Service should expose a single Pod named project-plt-6cc-apiof image nginx:1.17.3-alpine, create that Pod as well. The Pod should be identified by label project: plt-6cc-api. The Service should use tcp port redirection of 3333:80. Finally use for example curt from a temporary nginx: alpine Pod to get the response from the Service. Write the response into /opt/course/10/service_test. html. Also check if the logs of Pod project-plt-6cc-api show the request and write those into /opt/course/10/service_test.1og.


During the last monthly meeting you mentioned your strong expertise in container technology. Now the Build& Release team of department Sun is in need of your insight knowledge. There are files to build a container image located at /opt/course/11/image. The container will run a Golang application which outputs information to stdout. You' re asked to perform the following tasks:

NOTE: Make sure to run all commands as user k8s,for docker use sudo docker

  1. Change the Dockerfile. The value of the environment variable SUN_CIPHER_ID should be set to the hardcoded value 5b9c1065-e39d-4a43-a04a-e59bcea3e03f2. Build the image using Docker, named registry. killer. sh:5000/sun-cipher, tagged as latest and v1-docker, push these to the registry
  2. Build the image using Podman, named registry. killer. sh:5000/sun-cipher, tagged as v1- podman, push it to the registry
  3. Run a container using Podman, which keeps running in the background, named sun-cipher using image registry. killer. sh:5000/sun-cipher:v1-podman. Run the container from k8seterminal and not rooteterminal
  4. Write the logs your container sun-cipher produced into /opt/course/11/logs. Then write a list of all running Podman containers into /opt/course/11/containers


Create a new PersistentVolume named earth-project- earthflower-pv. It should have a capacity of 2Gi, accessMode ReadWriteOnce, hostPath /Vo lumes/Data and no storageClassName defined. Next create a new PersistentVolumeClaim in Namespace earth named earth-project-earthflower-pvc. It should request 2Gi storage, accessMode ReadWriteOnce and should not define a storageClassName. The PVC should bound to the PV correctly. Finally create a new Deployment project-earthflower in Namespace earth which mounts that volume at /tmp/project- data. The Pods of that Deployment should be of image httpd:2.4.41-alpine.


Team Moonpie, which has the Namespace moon, needs more storage. Create a new PersistentVolumeClaim named moon-pvc- 126 in that namespace. This claim should use a new StorageClass moon-retain with the provisioner set to moon-retainer and the reclaimPolicy set to Retain. The claim should request storage of 3Gi, an accessMode of ReadWriteOnce and should use the new StorageClass. The provisioner moon-retainer will be created by another team, so it's expected that the PVC will not boot yet. Confirm this by writing the log message from the PVC into file /opt/course/13/pvc-126-reason.


You need to make changes on an existing Pod in Namespace moon called secret-handter. Create a new Secret secret1 which contains user=test and pass=pwd. The Secret's content shouldbe available in Pod secret-handler as environment variables SECRET1_USER and SECRET1_PASS. The yaml for Pod secret- handler is available at /opt/course/14/secret-handler. yaml. There is existing yaml for another Secret at /opt/course/14/secret2. yaml, create this Secret and mount it inside the same Pod at /tmp/secret2. Your changes should be saved under /opt/course/14/secret-handler-new. yaml. Both Secrets should only be available in Namespace moon.


Team Moonpie has a nginx server Deployment called web-moon in Namespace moon.Someone started configuring it but it was never completed.To complete please create a ConfigMap calledconfigmap-web-moon-html containing the content of file /opt/course/15/web-moon.html under the data key-name index.html. The Deployment web-moon is already configured to work with this ConfigMap and serve its content.Test the nginx configuration for example using cur1 from a temporary nginx:alpine Pod.


The Tech Lead of Mercury2D decided its time for more logging, to finally fight all these missing data incidents. There is an existing container named cleaner-con in Deployment cleaner in Namespace mercury. This container mounts a volume and writes logs into a file called cleaner.1og. The yaml for the existing Deployment is available at /opt/course/16/cleaner. yaml. Persist your changes at /opt/course/16/cleaner-new. yaml but also make sure the Deployment is running. Create a sidecar container named logger-con, image busybox:1.31.0, which mounts the same volume and writes the content of cleaner. log to stdout, you can use the tail -f command for this. This way it can be picked up by kubectt logs. Check if the logs of the new container reveal something about the missing data incidents.


Last lunch you told your coworker from department Mars Inc how amazing InitContainers are. Now he would like to see one in action. There is a Deployment yaml at /opt/course/17/test-init- container. yaml. This Deployment spins up a single Pod of image nginx:1.17.3-alpine and serves files from a mounted volume, which is empty right now. Create an InitContainer named init-con which also mounts that volume and creates a file index. html with content check this out! in the root of the mounted volume. For this test we ignore that it doesn't contain valid html. The InitContainer should be using image busybox:1.31.0. Testyour implementation for example using curt from a temporary nginx: alpine Pod.


There seems to be an issue in Namespace mars where the ClusterlP service manager-api-svc should make the Pods of Deployment manager-api-dep loyment available inside the cluster. You can test this with curl manager-api-svc.mars:4444 from a temporary nginx:alpine Pod.Check for the misconfiguration and apply a fix.


In Namespace jupiter you' ll find an apache Deployment(with one replica) named jupiter-crew-deploy and a ClusterlP Service called jupiter-crew-svc which exposes it. Change this service toa NodePort one to make it available on all nodes on port 30100. Test the NodePort Service using the internal IP of all available nodes and the port 30100 using curl, you can reach the internal node IPs directly from your main terminal. On which nodes is the Service reachable? On which node is the Pod running?


In Namespace venus you' ll find two Deployments named api and frontend. Both Deployments are exposed inside the cluster using Services. Create a NetworkPolicy named np1 which restricts outgoing tcp connections from Deployment frontend and only allows those going to Deployment api. Make sure the NetworkPolicy still allows outgoing traffic on UDP/TCP ports 53 for DNS resolution. Test using: wget www. google. com and wget api:2222 from a Pod of Deployment frontend.


Team Neptune needs 3 Poods of image httpd:2.4-alpine, create a Deployment named neptune-10ab for this. The containers should be named neptune-pod-10ab. Each container should have a memory request of 20Mi and a memory limit of 50Mi. Team Neptune has its own ServiceAccount neptune-sa-v2 under which the Pods should run. The Deployment should be in Namespace neptune.


Team Sunny needs to identify some of their Poods in namespace sun.They ask you to add a new label protected:true to all Pods with an existing label type:worker or type:runner.Also add an annotation protected:do not delete this pod to all Poads having the new label protected:true.